
Członkowie orkiestry Baltic Alians

Jan Staruch

Jan Staruch – born on January 13, 1997 in Olsztyn. In 2016, he graduated with honors from the second degree of music school at the Fryderyk Chopin State Music School in Olsztyn. While studying at school, he took part in many competitions, both solo and chamber, including: CEA Macroregional Auditions – chamber ensembles – laureate, Interschool Festival of Violin Two-note in Białystok – distinction, 6th Regional Competition for Students of Violin and Viola Classes of Second Degree Music Schools in Olsztyn – Third place and actively supported the development of culture in his hometown, taking part in a number of initiatives as a soloist with such choirs as the choir of the Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic, Collegium Musicum, Cantabile, ProForma, Baccalarum, and also performed as a soloist with the Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic. In 2019, he graduated with honors from the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk. During his studies, he colaboration with Agatą Szymczewską, Jakubem Jakowiczem, Tomaszem Tomaszewskim, Thanosem Adamopoulosem, Maciejem Rakowskim, Konstantym Andrzejem Kulką, Włodzimierzem Promińskim, Marią Szwajger-Kułakowską, Robertem Kabarą, Mariuszem Błaszczykiem, Aleną Baevą, Robertem Kwiatkowskim, Krystyną Jurecką, Anną Prabucką-Firlej, Karoliną Piątkowską-Nowicką, Anną Wandtke-Wypych czy Christianem Elliottem and he took part in a number of chamber and orchestral projects, performing as concertmaster of the academic orchestra or the BalticAlians orchestra. He appeared as a soloist during an international project at the Baltic Philharmonic and as a soloist during the international festival „Metropolis is ok”. He is currently a second-year master’s student at Amuz Gda in the violin class. In December 2018, he created with Rafal Marek Wisniewski the BalticAlians Chamber Orchestra, which last year collaborated with many great artists, including: Jakub Jakowicz, Christian Elliott, Georg Tchitchinadze, Karolina Piątkowska-Nowicka, Robert Kwiatkowski and many others. In addition to the orchestra, he created a series of artistic performances with the Artist Being, the first show premiered in February last year at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk and was inspired by Marek Grechuta. Artist It was a project that used the synergy of many fields of art such as singing, poetry, dance, painting, photography, step and others. This year, he created a YouTube channel called KiM (Kreatywni i Młodzi), which promotes young artists, giving them the opportunity to show their work and present themselves during an interview.  From 2020 I am a cofounder with Rafal Marek Wisniewski and president of BalticAlians Foundation witch is focused on artistic action help. In recent he took Honorable mention in Premio Scarlatti Music Competition in Wilno 11/2020 First price in I Internacionale Music Competition Avis in Moscow 12/2020. Second price in Internacional Music Competition „Progressive musicians” in USA and Canada- 12/2020, III miejsce w VI Odin International Music Online Competition 02/2021 and working as a manager in the Perspektywy agency for half year. In July he win second price on International Music Performance Competition- Toronto 2021 and first Price on 13 Concorso Internazionale di musica „Luigi Caritelli”.

manager w agencji Perspektywy.
